2x 5 volt supply
R=V/I :10.16V/0.02A =508 ohms
Beta=ic/ib.......ic=2omA, o.02A........ib= ?......beta=10o
R=V/I 5-o.7 V/o.o0o2A...... subtract 0.7 from the supply voltage
4.3v/0.2ma= 21500 ohms
NOTE:The resistor im going to use is 560 ohms as 508 resistor does not exist going up to the closet resistance level. As the resistor R15 is in a parallel circuit with R14 the calculations are the same.
Components :
3 voltage inputs, v in 1 being 12volts, v in 2 & v in 3 being 5 volts, the circuit ends being grounded to earth.
Also consists of two different coloured leds both being 1.8v ,there are also two NPN type transistors.
4x resistors, two being 560 ohms R14 & R 15, the other two being 1k ohm resistors R13 & R16.
NOTE: After checking data sheet ib, 0.2mA is not enough current to open the transistor.Data sheet recomands transistor needs a 5mA current.
R13;R!6:5v -o.7v/5mA=...... 4.3v/0.o0o5A= 860 ohms same problem with R14;R15 i'll change the resistor to a 1 k ohm resistor as there is no resistor at 860 ohms.
Actual circuit board:
R14 at 560 ohms is in parallel with R15 also 560 ohms. R14 is connected to D1 the green LED 1,8 v in series to T1 the collector leg( NPN transistor),base being postive is linked to R13 1 k ohm resistor and then to 5volt supply,
-With the given 12.07 volt supply and two 5 volt inputs, procceding with a voltage drop across R14=10.11v and voltage across LED=1.96v giving a VTof 12.07 in the circuit.
Your finished board does not look like your loch-master drawing, what happened why did you change it? Also you have not taken all the volt drop readings and explained them in detail. There is a guide on BB